Students Succeed with Teachers of Color

The research is clear: Students succeed when teachers of color are at the front of the classroom. Unless seniority-based layoff policies are changed, classroom diversity will fall behind and harm students’ ability to thrive.

We must protect the diversity of our teaching workforce.

Classroom Diversity Must be Protected

In Massachusetts, teachers of color are 107% more likely to be in their first three years of teaching than are white teachers.

What is Teacher Diversity?

Teacher diversity refers to a teacher workforce that includes educators with different backgrounds, identities, and cultures.

This means that qualities like teachers where they grew up, where they attended school, their second language proficiency, and more. Research proves that all of these factors lead to better student outcomes.

Rep. Rita Mendes
Common Wealth Magazine
Sept. 27, 2023

“...I’m supporting legislation, H. 583/S.340: An Act So All Students Thrive, which would give districts an array of factors to consider when determining who gets laid off in the event such actions...”

Take Action

It will take our collective action to ensure that all Massachusetts students succeed.